Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Berlin, Scharnistrasse

You live,
have sex
and die.

It's not much more. I was thinking about the father of my grandmother. And while I don't know anything about him, besides that he was a rich and successful construction entrepreneur. It still holds and I'm the living evidence. Maybe not of him, then of someone else.

I have made nothing especially of it. I'm no more than the dung beetle who just knows how to survive and keeps on stubbornly to roll his ball of dung. The world can disappear, the sand corns can roll away and cause a lawine, still there is no time to loose, just keep on rolling. It's hard to make any sense of it, what you will achieve with this or that action, what it will lead up to.

Enough I go to sleep. I hear Elizabeth already gently schnorring.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The dark spring sky

The dark spring sky above the Vlietlanden, close to Schipluiden, Vlaardingen and Delft. Clouds are living wonders. You just need to reap the images from the sky. The old Dutch master painters did a wonderful job. Who knows if I ever would be able to paint like that.

From Spring 2010


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hi here,
the spring starts.

From Spring 2010
From Spring 2010

The church with a blue car.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hitch hiking

Dear Ana G.

Have a nice travel around Europe!
Hitchhiking is far quicker than biking,
it's both a kind of sport.
and after a long time of thinking I
remembered that we have also hitchhiked once,
it was in Greece with a truck
and we even slept the night in the truck,
so Elizabeth found it scary,
she had seen to much American movies,
so she told me and herself to stay awake the whole night,
to keep a watch. After a short time
I heard her snoring in her sleep
and then I tried to be double awake
and of course in the morning we both woke up by the sun
shining into the cabin.

It's really funny that those memories can be awoken
out of a total slumber,
I almost would have told you that I didn't hitchhike.
The trucker did not speak English, so he showed photo's of his three children and wife. We could not say a lot of things back. And with fingers he indicated the ages of them.

You're welcome to visit us.

Greetings Arthur and Elize

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Berlin or not?

Do we go to Berlin or not? Veteranenstrasse: the small space or all spaces? Leave at 20th of April? And who to ask? What is the maximum profit? What is the minimum? And in which cases? What about the small one only? Hope for the passerby, that really exists. And a growing circle of friends?

A place to stay and go to other meetings and where people can look you up? Any way, it's always better to be there than to stay here in the middle of nowhere to vegetate in the dessert. Even at N's place at the canal, tourists came in while it was an office. The park is close by a walk to all places and if it's really far off you can take a bike. To breath the air in wide spaces of nature you have to take the train.